We do not want technology focus to detract from Monday’s effort. And, we would like you and your team to know of some technical tools we created that may be helpful in supporting your regulatory responsibilities. We do not need to spend time on these in our meeting. They are offered only as aids to document and support the framework being defined:
  • JPods3D™ supports sketching deployments. The lat-long of each pier is estimated, but will have to be specified by physical surveys. Here is a 4 times actual speed Ride-along between the main and international terminals (link).
  • WebClerk™ software incorporates the geolocation of each pier, truss, switch, etc… into a serialized commerce and maintenance system. This provides us with in-depth control and documentation and your team with regulatory insight. Here is a very short video of how this manages spare parts. Essentially everything become “click-to-order” enabling crews to access maintenance data, support videos, history, etc… by clicking on an image of what they are looking at.
  • Route-Time™ estimates loads and travel times. It supports tinkering with time aspects of changing routes to meet commercial and regulatory needs (link).
  • TasqMap™ geolocates all open work orders and the status of the crews working on them. The crew’s cell phones/tablets communicates with WebClerk work orders. (I will create some videos of this).
  • JPods distributed collaborative communications is illustrated in this lab quality setup at SkyRide. Essentially there is devices behave like bees in a hive. They each know their environment and communicate with others to be “courteous”.
  • Scale models. We can model all functional aspects of our networks so your team can evaluate and question issues before they are deployed in the field. Lab quality, NOT commercial grade:

Hi John


We will finish the review of the GDOT Utility Accommodation Policy and Standards. It seem good and standard. If there is some city’s Franchise Ordinance, or template that you recommend we use in conjunction with this let me know. I grabbed a few from the Internet.


GDOT Utility Accommodation Policy and Standards is very similar to what we put together and negotiate a contract in Shaxian, China. Links to:


Our draft contract reflects the safety regulations Georgia already enforces in thrill rides.


Safety regulations of Georgia (Georgia Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner) should be used because:

  • They are a safer standard than Federal DOT.
  • Georgia ASTM based standards have has been far more innovative than Federal ASCE standards.
  • The US Constitution reserves to the State sovereignty over internal improvements (let me know if you want details on this)
  • Five case studies illustrate the benefits of enforcing the Constitution’s divided sovereignty:
    1. Theme parks are model cities designed around pedestrians. By adopting those standards we leverage existing quality of safety, enforcement, insurance, and common law.
    2. Courts declaring the Federal communications monopoly unconstitutional in 1982 resulted in millions of jobs replacing a century of rotary telephones with the Internet.
    3. Morgantown Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) network provides a case study of “institutional failures”:
    1. In 2004 the New Jersey Legislature mandated NJDOT study PRT. It issued a report in 2007 showing the many benefits of implementing PRT. Despite the Town of Secaucus, NJ adopting PRT in city law, the State blocked access to its Rights of Way.
    2. "Pirates and Patriots”. Uber, scooters, Tesla, and others are digitizing transportation devices by purposefully violating many existing laws and forcing change into common law.


Morgantown’s PRT is self-regulated so it does not provide a repeatable commercial regulatory system.


We would like to become familiar with GUPS system. What is the best procedure for this?